Ruggedised EV conversion specialist Tembo e-LV has today revealed its new logo and website
A wholly owned business of VivoPower, an award-winning global sustainable energy solutions company, Tembo specialises in the design and assembly of electric vehicle (EV) conversion kits for light utility vehicles in on-road and off-road applications. The company started offering its EV conversion kits for new vehicles and recently announced its entry into the second-hand market, a much larger total addressable market.
The new logo evolves Tembo’s classic elephant badge to reflect the reliability and power of the vehicles and has been modernised by creating an image of the elephant’s head, facing head-on, replacing the previous silhouette profile image.
The logo image is a stylised African Elephant, in keeping with its roots in ruggedisation for 4×4 utility vehicles, while the modernisation better represents the advanced technological and engineering capabilities of the company. A new wordmark has also been introduced to translate the company’s spirit of innovation.
The rebrand was led by a dedicated internal team in consultation with international branding experts and Tembo’s Leadership team. In addition to the new logo and livery, the rebrand coincides with a new look website which features a clear story on the Homepage with more compelling content, a Partners page – showing Tembo’s distribution presence in 50+ countries – and Tembo Academy page – where users can browse through a new curriculum of in-person courses geared to end-users and partners.
More News & Insights to come on the VivoPower website.

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